Monday, February 24, 2014

Adding to our flock.

We have been keeping a small backyard flock of 6 easter egger hens for almost 2 years.  We originally started with 7 hens but one got sick and had to be put down.  This year we have decided to expand the flock by adding six rhode island red chicks.  These are all suppose to be pullets.  They always come with a 90% accurate guarantee for what sex the chicks are.  It will become apparent later if there is a rooster.  Their feathers will come in differently, their temperment is different, they develop spurs on their legs, different combs, and, the biggest clue of all, will start to crow sometime by 6 months of age.  Our easter egger hens lay blue, green, and olive tone eggs almost one a day.  Rhode islands lay brown eggs and are suppose to be prolific producers.  I hope these little babies mix well with the rest of our girls when its time to integrate them into the flock.  We have them in their own enclosure separated from out adult birds for now.  They sure are cute right now, little poofs with legs...